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DarkWorld is "a game of intergalactic conquest".

I used I2P router version 0.7-0 and DarkWorld version 0.2.1. This HowTo assumes you have I2P already running. Please join the IRC channel #i2p-darkworld !


1. Get the client installation file for Windows or Linux from

2. Prepare to run the client:

  • On Windows: Run the dw-client-0.2.1-win32.exe file. For most people the default options should work.
  • On Linux: Uncompress and untar the dw-client-0.2.1-i686.tar.gz file. For example on Ubuntu you could you the "Extract here" command of the context menu.

3. Start the Darkworld client:

  • On Windows: Try to use the new link on your desktop to start the client. If you get graphics problems exit the client with Escape. Then change the link destination (context menu Properties) from

    C:\Programme\Darkworld\client.exe -H "C:\Programme\Darkworld"


    C:\Programme\Darkworld\client.exe -f -H "C:\Programme\Darkworld"

    to use the fullscreen mode. Try to start the client with the new setting.

  • On Linux: Run in the client folder.

You should see a green dialog box. Exit the client with Escape.

4. Go to I2PTunnel. Look for the end of the second section "Local client tunnels". After "Add new client tunnel" make sure it reads "Standard". Then press "Create".

5. Fill the following values into the form:

  • Name - Choose a name. For example take "DarkWorld Client".

  • Description - If you are lazy leave it empty ;)

  • Access Point - Type in "5001" under "Port" and choose "Locally (" under "Reachable by".

  • Tunnel destination - Put in


    (or some other hostname if you know another DarkWorld server on I2P) as the game server.

Mark the checkbox after "Auto start", unmark "Shared Client" and leave other options as they are. Press "Save".

6. Search for your new "DarkWorld Client" tunnel in the "Local client tunnels" list and press its "Start" button on the right side. Press "Refresh" on the top of the page. Now the colour of the 'traffic light' of your new tunnel should change to green. You can close the I2PTunnel page now.

7. Start the client once again. Fill in these values into the green dialog box of the DarkWorld client:

  • Server - Type in "".
  • User Name - Choose one yourself.
  • Password - Be creative ;) (if you can't, you might use password.i2p instead)

Press "New user" and type your password again into the "Verify" field. Press "Create".

8. If everything is alright you should see your green home planet. You can find information about how to play the game here:]

If you observe client crashes on Windows have a look for the second post here: </translate>