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Git is a version control system used by I2P, replacing the previous system Monotone in late 2020.[1]

Usage & tips

Telling Git to use I2P

To use HTTP/Git-based I2P servers, Git's proxy settings must be configured. This can be achieved by adding these lines to your ~/.gitconfig (create if necessary):

    proxy =
    proxy =
    proxy =

If the proxy is needed for only a few repos, one can also utilize the -c of Git:

git -c http.proxy= clone http://example.i2p/myrepo.git

Note that this method doesn't store the proxy information within the repo configuration, so the same -c http.proxy=... settings must be applied on each invocation.

Limit fetched commits

Git (by default) fetches the full history of a repo, which can be hard for I2P connections to sustain. Git provides the --depth=N argument to only fetch N commits from the top:

git clone --depth=1 http://git.idk.i2p/i2p-hackers/i2p.i2p.git

The repository can then (step-by-step if needed) be unshallowed by git pull --deepen=N.

Hide timezone

Git shows the local timezone in commits. You might want to change that to something more generic, such as UTC.

git commit --date="`date --utc +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z`" -m "added new feature"


Main page: Eepsite/Services#Code

There are several Git services within I2P.

Name AH/B32 Description
git.idk.i2p AH B32 idk's GitLab service, hosts I2P's code AH B32 Gitea based Git hosting

Setup guides


External links