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IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and is a decentralized internet chat protocol allowing users to talk over several IRC networks. The special touch is that it only allows text to be sent. While some Clients allow bold and italic text, most clients don't do this. IRC allows file transfer through the Direct-Client-to-Client (DCC) Protocol.


IRC first appeared in the Summer of 1988 on a finnish server (The first IRC server was '') over the BITNET.


IRC has various user modes and channel modes describing the channels and users.

User modes


Channel modes


IRC in I2P

List of IRC servers/nets in I2P:

Client software

List of IRC clients known in this wiki:

  • WeeChat
  • (add your favourite irc client maybe?)

Phenomenon of random quits

Sometimes people randomly quit due to either "Read error" or "Ping timeout".

TODO: explain in technical terms why it happens.