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Mumble is an open-source Voice-over-IP (VoIP) application, based on a client-server approach.

Usage on I2P

To use Mumble on I2P, you need to select a Mumble server. You can find some on Mumble servers page. Then do the following steps:

  • Create a standard tunnel for:
    • Name: something like "Mumble tunnel"
    • Address:
    • Port: Anything you like
    • Destination: The address of the server you selected, either the Base32 or the normal domain.
    • Auto-start: If you want to, then check.
    • Tunnel Counts: You can select around ~4 inbound/outbound tunnels for a good performance.
      • If possible, you can also drop the hop counts to 1-2 hops. Beware that this will make you less anonymous.
  • (On tunnel startups) Wait for the tunnel to be built.
  • Connect your Mumble client to the address and port you selected.