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A password is a secret string that a user (a person or a program) can use as a form of authentication. One is mostly used together with a username to identify who wants access, but authentication can also be done with only passwords (like with tokens).

Password security

A malicious hacker can gain an access if they know the password (and most likely the username) of the victim. Therefore, passwords have to be strong. Unfortunately, many ignorant people use weak passwords (such as 12345, 123456, 123456789, test1, password, asdf, qwerty, iloveyou, abc123 and so on)[1].
Sites attempt to mitigate this by setting a bunch of rules (this much long, must have numbers/symbols, etc.) but a person can still make a password of JohnsGmailAccount2023!..
The site password.i2p can help you to generate cryptographically strong passwords.

