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Introduction to I2P-Messenger

I2P-Messenger is a simple QT[1]-based, serverless, end-to-end-encrypted instant messenger for I2P via SAM bridge. No servers can log the user's conversations. No ISP can log with whom the user chats, when, or for how long. As it is serverless, it can make use of I2P's end-to-end encryption, preventing any node between two parties from having access to the plain text. I2P-Messenger can be used for fully anonymous instant communication with persons the user doesn't even know, or, alternatively, to communicate securely and untraceably with friends, family members, or colleagues. In addition to messaging, file transfer is also supported.

Short description

Current Version
0.2.25 (note: 0.2.24 released in 2009)
Release date
8. Dezember 2014
Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
Instant Messenger
GPL ( Free Software)


Screenshots are from v0.2.25 (2015)

The main window

Symbols from the left to the right:

  1. add a new user
  2. open a window in order to find others users
  3. settings
  4. debug information
  5. copy your own address in the clipboard (the issue on a homepage / forum or the dispatch by E-mail to interlocutor can protect against identity theft)
  6. red button to close the messenger
  7. (hidden) button 'About'

Settings window

With the default settings I2P messenger runs optimally, only the users details should be adapted. It is advisable to write the language(s) you speak, and your the interests in the area 'User Details'.

The window where to add a other participant

The fields in 'Options' are empty by default (example: nickname), without other information I2P messenger is able to find all publicly visible participants after clicking on the button 'Search'.

Chat window

The online window: at the top there is two tabs for the online chat and offline chat; under it the news area of the interlocutor; in the middle a menu for options; in the lower part this your own area where to write. On the right side, there is an optional avatar image.

Das Symbol links in der Mitte des Fensters ruft ein Dialog zum auswählen einer Datei auf, die verschickt werden werden kann; die anderen Symbole rechts daneben sind zum formatieren des Textes gedacht. Nachrichten können auch dann gesendet werden, wenn die Gesprächspartner offline sind; I2P-Messenger speichert sie solange es aktiv ist und überträgt sie, sobald die Adressaten wieder online sind.

Belegung der Tastatur: Die Eingabetaste ↩ verschickt den geschriebenen Text; in Verbindung mit der Umschalttaste, oder durch die Eingabetaste im numerischen Block (Entertaste), wird ein Zeilenumbruch erzwungen.

If the mouse goes to a certain place of the text area of the interlocutor, your own answer takes place exactly at this point.


I2P Setup

SAM application bridge must be enabled in your I2P router:


eche|on offers a precompiled I2P-Messenger for Windows and Mac OS X: http://echelon.i2p/qti2pmessenger

However, compiling is recommended in order to get the latest version.


I2P-Messenger package is officially supplied as a source code and can be compiled with the help of the enclosed files "Unix_build.sh" and "Windows_build.bat".

Under Linux (and probably also under Windows) Qt-4 development environment: [1] is required for compiling (libqt4-dev under Debian), details stand in the enclosed file "Readme.txt".

Source code:

What files to backup ?

Backup and restore the following files:

  • application.ini
  • UserBlockList.dat
  • users.config


  1. QT is a a cross-platform application framework. Home page: https://qt.io

See also

External links

Forums: </translate>